Monday, May 23, 2011

A Hot Topic...

The "Family Life" sermon series I have been in for 4 weeks has garnered a lot of feedback.

Three weeks ago we looked at marriage and discussed the fact that husbands and wives are to be in a relationship of mutual submissiveness (Eph. 5:21-31). What I heard the most comments about was a statement I made concerning the wife's role. I said that the wife's place is not to approach the husband with two swatches of paint and say, "Which color should we paint the guest bathroom?" but rather to ask, "Should we paint the guest bathroom?" I closed the sermon addressing the husband's role of self sacrificing love for his bride. My two favorite comments were, "Well, you ruined my golf game this afternoon." and "I loved the first half of your sermon."

The following week we dealt with divorce looking at Matthew 19:1-9. I have never felt so uncomfortable preparing or preaching a sermon. However, it seemed to hit a spot that many needed to wrestle with. The hope of redemption and healing through the gospel was the lasting taste on the tongue it seemed.

Yesterday was the sermon on sexuality from Romans 1. This was a biggie. Through this text I dealt with a biblical view of sex. I received feedback from folks who appreciated how I addressed current denominational issues, the scars that come from sexual sin and the need for repentance and healing, premarital sex, and finally how Christian married couples ought to be having the best sex on the planet- and that there is no excuse for them not to be. My wife told me that a couple of women mentioned to her that their husbands brought up the "homework assignment" Pastor Scott talked about.

Many have asked if these sermons are on line. They are. However, the sex sermon will go up on 5/24. You can find them on our website. (By the way, our new site launches June 1- I'm so excited about it!!!)


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