Thursday, June 23, 2011

Re:told... A Summer Sermon Series

We’ve (the newly ordained associate pastor and me) begun a new summer preaching series. The series “Re:told” will be study of popular children’s Bible stories. Noah and the ark, Sampson, David and Goliath, Daniel and his 3 buddies… just to name a few. But we will put on our big boy pants as we look at these stories. They are memorable for kids because they are fantastic. But often, our understanding of these stories, their meaning, and their place in God’s word doesn’t grow as we do.

Did you know that of men involved in church there is virtually no discernable spiritual growth from the age of 20 to 60? This statistic is based on research (not mine) which sought to discover patterns of involvement within a Christian community or church, being proactive in spiritual disciplines like prayer and scripture study, the role of faith in life decisions, and growth in biblical and theological knowledge. That being the case, I can assume that most of the men in my church know as much about the story of Noah and what it means as the kids in our church do. And frankly, it is on me to make sure they don’t die thinking that the story of Noah is about a bunch of animals on a boat with a rainbow ending.

Basically, this sermon series is going to move our understanding from exhibit A to exhibit B. At least it will attempt to. Rev. Jon Tony kicked us off last week by teaching us that Jonah isn’t really a story about a man who got swallowed by a fish so much as it is about a God who desperately desires his creation to know him through a grace that is hard for us to live with.


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